It is important that breasts are beautiful!

text borrowed from internet portal TELEGRAF.RS

Dr Maljković talking about silicone implants: It is important that breasts are beautiful!

Serbian women do not regret spending money on surgery and they love big breasts. Surgeries are usually done in early 20’s and later 30’s and most desirable is “D” cup.

pogled u grudiDoctor Igor Maljković, plastic surgeon, is famous for making his patients happy by changing their appearance, most often by filling their bras, but in a way that makes them natural and does not cost a lot.

He is not sure about accurate number of surgeries he performed, it is certainly over 2000, but he gladly remembers all patients to whose faces he put smile back on and increased their self-esteem, and he keeps their gratitude messages in his cell phone. Most common surgery in Serbia is breast enlargement, and patient’s age range goes from early 20’s, when young girls who are completely flat-chested start wishing to have at least something of feminine symbols, up to middle age from 35 to 45, when women who had children want to improve their appearance and look young again.

It is hard to say what big breasts are, but patients usually want “D” cup size.

Silicone implants with which breasts are enlarged have different volume that goes from 300 ml up to 2.500 milliliters, the breast size we see on actresses in porn movies or in erotic magazines.

Dr Maljković considers that it is the best when implants correspond to one’s body constitution, height, back width and volume of the thorax.

– It happens from time to time that a patient comes, wanting certain silicone size and refuses to hear advices. In such cases, when we cannot find mutual point of view, I do not perform surgery. It is important that breasts are beautiful and not enormously large– says dr Maljković.

There are various types of silicone implants, around 500, and they all differ in size and shape, whether they are round or anatomic.

Reason why women usually decide to put implants is size of breasts, and after conversation and observation we determine if the person is psychologically stabile for such surgery. In most cases it is possible to determine whether someone is candidate for such surgical procedure or not, already during the first appointment.

Patients who have cases of malignant diseases in their family history can put silicone implants, says dr Maljković.

– Cases where malignant diseases exist in family may be debatable, but diagnostics should not represent an obstacle for a good radiologist, if woman has breast implants. Also, patients who have silicones go to checkups more often, and increased number of carcinoma has not been discovered, depending on whether a woman had breast surgery – said Maljković.

There is also no danger with breastfeeding, because silicone is placed in such a way that one its part is located under the muscle and its smaller part under the gland. Answering the question whether it is necessary to replace silicones after certain period of time, dr Igor Maljković said that it depends of entire body constitution.

Silicone implants are permanent, and replacement is done only if a lady gains or rapidly loses weight.

In that case, breast size also needs to be corrected, in order to be in harmony with new body- says Maljković.

Breast enlargement is completely safe, and according to dr Maljkovic, our women don’t regret spending money in order to get high quality implants.

– “PIP” silicones that made quite a mess, because they were not filled with medical silicone but with the one used for mattresses, have never been used in Serbia or at least I am not aware of that. Personally I work with “Mentor” implants – emphasized Maljković.

Injecting silicones through navel, where silicone membrane, which is filled with saline solution, is put in, is still popular in the world, but “dual plane” method is the one achieving far better results and this is the method that dr Maljkovic prefers.

Silicones- why do we love them so much

Today I will talk about why the implant is so popular. Of course, I do not aim on giving the answer…

Why is largest number of aesthetic surgeries performed on breasts?

Explanation that breasts are men’s fetish is not correct- they are usually hidden, and even if they were the fetish, any size or shape would be enough.

Could it be because men are, subconsciously, attracted to women who look like fertility symbol? Neither this idea is fully supported. Most of their time breasts serve to look good and attract attention and only a small one for breastfeeding.

Today, with a help of aesthetic surgery women’s body may be altered in many ways, and one of the most beautiful, a real transformation, is breast enlargement.

Only a small number of women get “convinced” by men to enlarge breasts. Mainly they themselves ask for it, wanting to enjoy their appearance.

Basically, there are two types of women that decide to undergo the procedure: those born with small breasts, unsatisfied with size, who come in early 20’s. Many women with insufficiently developed breasts are extremely sensitive when the topic is mentioned; obviously having a feeling they are less feminine, and thus less attractive. Second group are women who gave birth. Their breasts were larger but now they are empty and they want to fill that “shell” and bring back their previous appearance, which they enjoyed.

Popularity of breast implants also reflects how much we, as a culture, make differences between sexes. Breasts are the biggest physical sign that we have differences, and maybe that is exactly why implants are so enormously popular.

Breasts are the most obvious and most important symbol of women’s sexuality. After significant number of breast enlargement surgeries I performed in my career, I began to realize how important breast are to women, but not why is that so.

People may joke that women put implants to attract men, or to make other women envy them, and there can be a little truth in it. But the real truth is that implant helps woman to confirm her sexuality, and of course, to look beautiful.

About the author: drmaljkovic

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