why do Breast Implants form Capsules

Implant capsules have notoriously bad reputation. They are discussed when they are causing problems. Capsules provide protection, and without them, breast reshaping would not be possible.

breast implant

And the Capsule is?

Capsule is a fine sheet of scar that lines the breast implant’s pocket. It is incredibly important in maintaining breasts’ enhancement. The inner layer of the capsule allows frictionless movement of thoracic wall, and the outer layers of the protects the breast implant from infection.

How breast implants stay in place?

The capsule is responsible for keeping the breast implants in the proper position. Optimal breast implant position is a combination of careful placement during surgery and a proper capsule.

Good girl gone bad

The perfect capsule is firm enough to maintain proper breast implant positioning, but soft enough to not be felt or seen. Most of the girls have such capsules.

Too soft capsule

does not provide enough support for the implant. Gravity pulls the implants down when standing. The larger the breast implants, the greater the force. Stomach sleeping also pushes the implants apart. A capsule can resist the tendency toward implant malposition, but a good bra helps too.

Treatment includes tightening of the capsule. Also, smaller implant can help reduce recurrence. The use of an acellular dermal matrix (ADM) has also become more popular as a way to line, reinforce and thicken the capsule.

Too firm capsule

it can compress the implants, and cause capsular contracture. If the capsule is tight all the way around, it can make the implant feel hard.

Treatment includes removing the thickened capsule, and incising the capsule . I usualy perform conversion to “dual plane” and implant change. An older, non-operative technique called closed capsulotomy was a way to split the capsule without surgery by forcefully compressing the implant. This has been largely abandoned as it may lead to uncontrolled bleeding or implant rupture.


If you are considering breast augmentation, or you have breast implants and are considering breast implant revision surgery, contact me using the email or FB adress.

About the author: dr Maljkovic

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